Financial Statements & Reconciliations


Financial Reporting

Financial reporting provides an in depth look into the health of your company and is the visible effect of your accounting system. Small businesses need three basic financial statements to determine that things are running correctly 

  • Balance Sheet

  • Income Statement

  • Statement of Cash Flows

Other factors make financial reporting important. For example, if you have outstanding bank loans, you may be required to produce reports for review. Investors will ask to see the firm's financial statements as well. Additionally, future financing or sale of the company requires a review of the company’s financial history.

Gardner Business Services experience brings important financial information to light by producing reports that address specific concerns. Reports focus around accounts receivable, projected cash flows, and analysis of gross margin by product. Additionally, comparative reports stating "actual" versus "planned" are key elements to streamlining your budget.

Through financial reporting our staff will create, interpret and work with you to maintain the health of your company and prepare your business for successful relationships with banks, investors or potential clients.



Gardner Business Services account reconciliation is designed to simplify your company's account reconciliation process. Our service saves you time, improves accuracy and enhances internal controls. Complete information will allow your company to effectively manage and monitor your account. 

Gardner Business Services reconciliation process will produce clear benefits:

  • Save administrative cost associated with reconciliation and reporting

  • Provide the client with confidential and improved internal control

  • Improve accuracy

  • Clients are provided with concise reporting for audit review

  • Deposit reconciliation tracks deposits made from multiple locations

Controller Level Services

Gardner Business Services accommodates a variety of companies in the private and public sectors such as construction, manufacturing and service firms to non-profit organizations. Gardner Business Services provides company specific solutions for your business. “We've found that companies are meeting their daily bookkeeping needs, but are left in the dark when it comes to understanding their cash flow or having a clear financial picture”. Gardner Business Services has helped many companies run more efficiently by providing the services listed below. All control and CFO services are handled by our professional staff.

Business Start-up

  • Entity choice (C-Corporation, S-Corporation, LLC, Sole Proprietorship)

  • Budgeting and planning

  • Obtaining working capital funding

  • Information Technology, Computer and software systems integration

  • Payroll and employee plans

Business Development

  • Accounting and bookkeeping practices

  • Financial analysis reporting

  • Cash flow analysis

  • Budgeting and planning

  • Develop or upgrade computer and software systems

Non-Profit Organizations

  • Compliance with non-profit guidelines

  • Audit readiness

  • Board reporting

Tax Services

Tax planning and quarterly tax filing is some of the full-charge services that G B S offers. Our expertise can help you get on top of your taxes during the year by implementing tax saving opportunities and monitoring upcoming changes in the New Year. In addition to good planning, accurate tax returns could mean the difference between big tax savings or a tax             audit.

Gardner Business Services offers the following tax preparation services:

  • Personal 1040's (Schedule C) Sole Proprietor

  • Corporations 1120 and 1120S

  • Non-profit 990

  • Partnerships 1165

  • City, state and federal returns 940, 941

  • Quarterly tax filing

Is the company late in filing taxes? We can help! Our professional staff will provide clients with specialized tax preparation that can quickly get a company out of the penalty and interest cycle.

 Special Needs

Should your company need services beyond the basic full charge bookkeeping package, you can rely on Gardner Business Services to help. Here are some examples of services that may be specific to your company.

Please contact GBS for additional information.

  • Audit Readiness

  • Compliance

  • Cash Flow

  • Financial Planning


Behind in Bookkeeping

You are not alone if you are behind in your bookkeeping. Gardner Business Services has experienced professionals that know how to process and analyze your financial data. We have the time, resources and knowledge to sort through your data and get you current. Our goal is to get you back up to speed as quickly as possible and maintain your records to avoid re-occurrence.

Insufficient bookkeeping will not permit a company to know their financial well being as a whole, i.e. whether you are pricing your goods or services correctly, or whether your costs are too high. You may think it is fine because you have enough money in the bank, but how can you assess the future direction of the company without sound financial data?

There are many reasons for the backlog, from lack of time, personnel or knowledge of how to process transactions. There is no better time than NOW to get back on track. The longer you wait the greater the backlog.


Late Filing Taxes

One of the biggest down falls of a business is to ignore the requirements of both federal and state tax filings. Unfortunately, these requirements only get worse when you ignore them. Taxes are one of the few things that will follow you through bankruptcy and death.

Gardner Business Services analyzes your current situation and assess what taxes need to be completed. We have the knowledge and experience in both federal and state requirements to prepare these returns. We will also follow up with the various government agencies to work through any assessable penalties and/or interest. In some cases, we may be able to get penalties waived. Once you are current, Gardner Business Services will continue to file and monitor your tax filings. of small-business owners find accounting to be the most intimidating part of managing their business-not surprising, given that more than half reported having no formal accounting training at all.
— Entrepreneur Magazine

What People Are Saying


GBS helped my business increase profits by showing us how to better manage money.

— Dennis K.

I have bounced from accountant to accountant. I am pleased to say that GBS will be my permanent accountant

— Shaun W.


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