The GBS Benefit


Real Solutions for Real Problems

Consulting Services



GBS is considered a "full-service" consulting company -- meaning that we maintain the expertise and diversification necessary to address all aspects of our client's business. This differentiates GBS from most consulting companies, who only maintain the capabilities to address very specific and precise issues or industries. This requires us to maintain a staff of highly "specialized" professionals across a diverse mix of industries and disciplines.  

 The GBS Consulting Services team are "Specialists" brought in to resolve the issues identified during the course of the analysis. The Consulting Services team is comprised of some of the brightest management minds in business. They are familiar with the "psychology of management." All have practical, hands-on business management experience. Nothing is left to theory.   We are knowledgeable about your industry and possess the skills necessary to assist you in all aspects of your change process.

The team concept is observed in the development and implementation of recommendations tailored to your business' specific needs. Regular counsel sessions are conducted between on-site staff, senior management, and other experienced GBS consultants to seek resolutions to your unique situation.

The team applies this information -- plus onsite interviews and investigation -- to compile recommendations, procedures, and solutions which are applicable to your business.

All recommendations and procedures that are developed are implemented with your employees so they are fully functional prior to the conclusion of the engagement. The recommendations and procedures are documented so that they may serve as a reference to existing employees, and be utilized for the training of future employees.

Prior to the commencement of the consulting engagement, the Business Analyst determines the hours required to accomplish the engagement objectives. The client is responsible for the hourly billing rate and the reasonable travel expenses related to the engagement. If additional time (beyond the hours determined by the Business Analyst) is required to complete the engagement objectives, GBS will incur the hourly billing charges, not the client.

Since client management is a pro-active part of the development and implementation of our solutions, you are continually apprised of the program's progress. No surprises. Client management fully comprehends the concept and implementation.


Benefits of the GBS Business Analysis


Low Cost - Maximum Benefits

  1. You will receive an objective appraisal of your business operations.

  2. The Analyst will review all areas of your business which have a direct influence on your profits-cost controls, marketing, management, operations and finance.

  3. You will receive an objective view from a seasoned professional. You will benefit from a new pair of eyes scrutinizing your business, trained to recognize problems that impact your profits. You will have a fresh perspective.

  4. The Analyst will offer you direction on how to reduce costs and generate greater revenues, thereby increasing your profitability.

  5. You will gain an understanding of the financial and analytical tools necessary to maintain your competitive edge.

  6. Maximize the return on your investment. The analyst will:

    • identify the problems in your business

    • describe how the problems are impacting your business

    • discuss the cost of these problems to your business

  7. Our analytical work is value priced.

  8. You will receive immediate benefits from the analysis through identification of the problems, the costs of those problems, and the effect of the problems on your daily operations; as well as their resulting long-term impact on your business.

  9. We are available to provide management consulting services after the analysis, if appropriate. The course of action you elect to pursue after you have confronted the problems is entirely your decision.ision-making is based on accurate financial data.

What People Are Saying


GBS helped my business increase profits by showing us how to better manage money.

— Dennis K.

I have bounced from accountant to accountant. I am pleased to say that GBS will be my permanent accountant

— Shaun W.


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